Appalachia Envisioned: ARC’s 2022-2026 Strategic Plan

Effective January 20, 2025, any statements outlined in Appalachia Envisioned: ARC’s 2022-2026 Strategic Plan that reference “diversity, equity and inclusion” and “green energy” are no longer applicable.

Throughout 2021, ARC hosted community conversations, focus groups, and a public survey to gather input and affirm an investment framework to meet Appalachia’s economic needs. Approximately 2,000 participants shared insights on the strengths, challenges, and opportunities facing communities, along with ideas to advance economic prosperity.

This feedback has been transformed into ARC’s new strategic plan, Appalachia Envisioned: A New Era of Opportunity, and will guide ARC’s work to innovate, partner, and invest in the Appalachian Region.

Strategic Investment Goals and Objectives

Goal #1

Building Appalachian Businesses

Strengthen and diversify the region’s economy through inclusive economic development strategies and investments in entrepreneurship and business development.

Goal #2

Building Appalachia’s Workforce Ecosystem

Expand and strengthen community systems (education, healthcare, housing, childcare, and others) that help Appalachians obtain a job, stay on the job, and advance along a financially sustaining career pathway.

Goal #3

Building Appalachia’s Infrastructure

Ensure that the residents and businesses of Appalachia have access to reliable, affordable, resilient, and energy efficient utilities and infrastructure in order to successfully live and work in the region.

Goal #4

Building Regional Culture and Tourism

Strengthen Appalachia’s community and economic development potential by preserving and investing in the region’s local, cultural heritage, and natural assets.

Goal #5

Building Community Leaders and Capacity

Invest in the capacity of local leaders, organizations, and communities to address local challenges by providing technical assistance and support to access resources, engage partners, identify strategies and tactics, and conduct effective planning and project execution.

ARC’s Roles

To successfully implement its strategic mission, ARC commits itself to the following roles.

1. Catalyst

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2. Investor

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3. Capacity-Builder

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4. Advocate

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5. Convener

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6. Researcher

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7. Evaluator

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8. Equity Driver

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9. Coach

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10. Navigator

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Highlighting Our Strategic Goals

From February 2022 through September 2023, ARC hit the road to highlight our new strategic goals, and how Appalachia’s 13 states are working to achieve them, in a five-part virtual series entitled Appalachia Envisioned Roadshow.