READY Community Foundations

READY Community Foundations is one of four tracks offered by ARC’s READY Appalachia initiative.

In many areas of Appalachia, community foundations are the only philanthropic option for nonprofits, local government entities and other community groups.

READY Community Foundations provides no-cost training to help these organizations strengthen operations, programming and fundraising.

Following completion of the training program, participants will be eligible to apply for up to $25,000 in funding (no-match required) to implement internal capacity-building projects and bolster their organizations as critical local funding sources.

Apply by July 5

Get READY to Apply

Before you apply for READY Community Foundations, please be sure you can meet the following requirements:

  • Two participants from your organization, one of which must be the executive director or highest-ranking staff member.
  • Ability to commit up to 30 hours for virtual training.
  • Availability during the six-week timeframe of your desired course. See options here.

Application Resources

Pre-Application Webinar

On Thursday, June 13, 2024, ARC’s READY team, and training program administrator Purpose Possible presented information about READY Community Foundations, the associated learning courses, and the application process. Learn more by watching the recording now!
Training and Funding

Build a Strong Foundation

READY Community Foundations participants will build connections through this cohort-based learning structure, and develop skills in areas including:

  • Foundation-specific financial management.
  • Endowment investing and accounting. 
  • Affiliate models. 
  • Community-centric fundraising and grantmaking.
  • Community-rooted collective impact agendas.
  • Mission and strategy development. 
  • Communications strategy.

Helping All Communities Access Resources

Community foundations serving any of the following groups and areas in Appalachian Region are strongly encouraged to participate:

  • Historically underserved and marginalized populations 

Contact Us

If you have questions about applications, please contact