READY Appalachia

Appalachians are ready to strengthen their communities, and ARC is here to provide the resources they need.

READY Appalachia is ARC’s community capacity-building initiative for nonprofits, community foundations, local governments, and Local Development Districts serving the Appalachian Region.

Participants in each READY Appalachia learning track access no-cost training, cohort-based learning, and funding (no match required) to increase their capacity to solve pressing issues and create lasting, positive change in their communities.  

Across all learning tracks, special emphasis will be placed on serving Appalachia’s most underrepresented communities, including economically distressed areas, counties targeted by the Interagency Working Group on Coal and Power Plant Communities, and marginalized populations.

READY Community Foundations

READY Community Foundations helps participants strengthen operations, programming and fundraising.

READY Local Governments

READY Local Governments helps local government officials better identify, access, manage, and implement federally funded projects.

In April 2024, ARC selected 90 local government entities in 12 Appalachian states to participate in this nine-week training program.

READY Nonprofits

READY Nonprofits helps nonprofit executives and board members increase their capacity and better fulfill organizational missions. 

As of March 2024, ARC has awarded over $1.6 million to 68 Appalachian nonprofits for capacity-building projects.


READY LDDs has awarded nearly $4 million to 41 Appalachian Local Development Districts to hire staff and more effectively help clients, including local governments and nonprofits, access and manage federal funding.