This guide serves as a compilation of the various laws, regulations, and other terms and conditions applicable to ARC grants. Grant recipients and subrecipients will especially find this useful as a primer for the management of federal grants. Applicants may also find this guide useful when applying for an ARC…
ARC requires all applicants to include a workplan as part of their final application package (as noted in both construction and non-construction application checklists under “project description”). This template offers applicants a tool that can be downloaded and used to complete this application requirement. Workplan Template…
ARC investments commonly fall into the project types below. These documents can help prospective applicants develop strong, competitive proposals for their specific project area. Each also highlights pertinent information including project examples, key investment principles, project considerations, and links to additional resources. This material supplements other applicant resources for non-construction and…
The ARC Form 2 is specifically designed for completion by Local Access Road (LAR) project applicants requesting ARC Access Road Program funds. Other ARC construction project applicants do not need to complete ARC Form 2. ARC Form 2 – pdf 92 KB…
These guidelines provide Local Access Road (LAR) applicants with specific guidance about project guidelines, eligibility, approval processes, and submission requirements. These guidelines should be used in conjunction with general applicant resources for all ARC construction projects. Local Access Roads Project Guidelines…
This form outlines conditions and general provisions that apply to ARC grants. Not all are applicable to non-construction projects, however this form is required for all grant applications. Memorandum of Understanding for ARC Projects – pdf 55 KB For Broadband as a…
This interim guidance describes the type of projects subject to the Buy America requirements and the process to request waivers. Buy America Guidelines – pdf 220 KB…
This template can be used to develop a budget narrative for both new ARC grant applications and requests for budget revisions once a project is under contract.
These forms are part of a grant application for a construction project. Note that a construction project requires another federal or state basic agency with which ARC has a memorandum of understanding to administer the ARC grant funds. Prior to filling out any of these forms, please speak with…
The guidelines set forth the criteria for approval of ARC projects reflecting the requirements of the Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965 (ARDA), as amended, the ARC Code, and the provisions of the ARC Strategic Plan.