ARC’s Structure and Leadership

ARC is led by a commission composed of governors from each of the region’s 13 states and a Federal Co-Chair who is appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate. Each year, the governors select a States’ Co-Chair to lead the commission in partnership with the Federal Co-Chair.

Meet the Appalachian Governors

To ensure an active federal-state partnership, the 13 governors of Appalachia’s states serve as members of the Appalachian Regional Commission.

ARC State Partners and Staff

Each Appalachian governor selects an appointee to represent their states’ interests and priorities to Appalachian Regional Commission. These representatives, referred to as state alternates, are liaisons between the governors and ARC leadership. Every state also has a state program manager who collaborates with ARC staff to oversee economic development investments. Alternates and state program managers work closely with local organizations, including local development districts, to guide ARC investments and policy decisions. ARC staff review proposals, manage investments and conduct research in cooperation with the states.

Meet Our Executive Director

Brandon McBride joined ARC in November 2020. Before coming to ARC, McBride served as the Vice President for Federal Relations at the National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation.

Office of the Inspector General

The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) provides independent and objective audits and investigations related to ARC’s programs and operations, as set forth in the Inspector General Act of 1978 (Public Law 95-452), as amended.

Additional Resources