Stop 2: Culture and Tourism

  • May 03, 2022, 5:00 AM - May 03, 2022, 7:00 AM

ARC is hitting the road to further showcase the five goals of our 2022-2026 strategic plan – Appalachia Envisioned – and stop #2 on the roadshow will focus on building regional culture and tourism. This event will feature governors, tourism pros, and community members from North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, and West Virginia who are excited to share their experiences preserving and investing in the Region’s culture and natural assets that help strengthen Appalachia’s community and economic development potential.

Preserving and Promoting Appalachia’s Culture and Tourism

Mayor Lynda Sossamon welcomes us to Sylva, North Carolina for an engaging opening session featuring a discussion about regional culture and tourism between ARC Federal Co-Chair Gayle Manchin, Governor Roy Cooper of North Carolina, Governor Bill Lee of Tennessee, and Governor Jim Justice of West Virginia.

ARC Federal Co-Chair

Gayle Manchin

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North Carolina

Gov. Roy Cooper

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North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper

Gov. Bill Lee

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Tennessee Governor Bill Lee
West Virginia

Gov. Jim Justice

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West Virginia Governor Jim Justice
Sylva, North Carolina

Mayor Lynda Sossamon

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Connecting Culture and Tourism to Local Economies

This community-focused session will kick off with a video highlighting Appalachian North Carolina and the work its communities are doing to preserve and invest in the region’s culture and natural assets. Through a number of mini-panel conversations, experts from North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, and West Virginia will also share their experiences and successes in building regional culture and tourism throughout Appalachia.

Community Voices


Nick Breedlove

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Brenda Anders

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Dale Collins

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Adam Gelbaugh

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Mary Gelbaugh

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Cole Johnson

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Timm Muth

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Chief Richard Sneed

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Panel Participants

Mini-panel conversation topics will include: Building Tourism Ecosystems, Investing in Outdoor Rec, Spotlighting Arts and Culture, and Utilizing Creative Placemaking and Revitalizing Downtowns.


Noah Wilson

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West Virginia

Jina Belcher

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North Carolina

Don Cason

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North Carolina

Angie Chandler

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Mayor Randy Heady

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Mitch Miller

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West Virginia

Amanda Pitzer

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Scott Smith

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