Clayton Fox, Inspector General

The Office of Inspector General (OIG) provides independent and objective audits and investigations related to ARC’s programs and operations, and keeps the Commission and Congress fully informed about any problems or deficiencies at the Commission.
In addition, the OIG provides leadership and coordination, recommends policies to prevent and detect fraud and abuse, and promotes economy, efficiency and effectiveness in Commission programs and operations. The OIG has statutory authority to subpoena or otherwise obtain all records, files, reports, documents, or materials needed to conduct audits, inspections and investigations.
Office of Inspector General
Semiannual Reports to Congress
The Inspector General Act of 1978 (Public Law 95-452), as amended, requires that the Inspector General report semiannually to the head of the Department and the Congress on the activities of the office during the 6-month periods ending March 31 and September 30.

OIG Reports
ARC OIG Reports include audit reports, finance statement audits, management and performance challenges and other correspondence from the Inspector General to the Commission.

Peer Reviews
Work conducted by Offices of Inspectors General and other federal audit organizations provide important accountability and transparency over government programs.

Report Fraud, Waste, or Abuse
The Office of Inspector General serves taxpayers by investigating reports of fraud, waste or abuse involving federal funds. If you believe a project funded by ARC or an ARC activity is wasteful, fraudulent, or abusive of federal funds, submit a report by phone or by mail, or through the anonymous OIG online complaint form.

Office of Inspector General
Semiannual Reports to Congress
The Inspector General Act of 1978 (Public Law 95-452), as amended, requires that the Inspector General report semiannually to the head of the Department and the Congress on the activities of the office during the 6-month periods ending March 31 and September 30.

OIG Reports
ARC OIG Reports include audit reports, finance statement audits, management and performance challenges and other correspondence from the Inspector General to the Commission.

Peer Reviews
Work conducted by Offices of Inspectors General and other federal audit organizations provide important accountability and transparency over government programs.

Report Fraud, Waste, or Abuse
The Office of Inspector General serves taxpayers by investigating reports of fraud, waste or abuse involving federal funds. If you believe a project funded by ARC or an ARC activity is wasteful, fraudulent, or abusive of federal funds, submit a report by phone or by mail, or through the anonymous OIG online complaint form.

Additional Resources
Contact Us
Please contact the Office of the Inspector General at 202-884-7675.