ARISE Program Evaluation Annual Report 2024

Author(s): Molly Chamberlin, Ph.D., Nicole Dunn, M.P.A, and Jessica Berry
Author Organization(s): Chamberlin Dunn LLC

This report is the first in a series of annual evaluation reports for ARC’s Appalachian Regional Initiative for Stronger Economies (ARISE). ARISE is a multi-state initiative that aims to drive large-scale, regional economic transformation through collaborative projects.

Based on a combination of project-level inquiry with initiative-level analysis, key findings for ARISE’s first year include:

  • ARISE grantees and partners report confidence they will be able to achieve project objectives and produce expected results within the period of performance.
  • ARISE grantees are making progress on milestones and progress toward results.
  • Grantees report more strengths than challenges.