
Access in Appalachia North Carolina DOT – Pilot Study

This report, commissioned by the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) and led by the North Carolina Department of Transportation, explores transportation accessibility within North Carolina. Building upon the foundational insights provided by ARC’s Access in Appalachia report of 2020, this report provided an opportunity to measure differences in accessibility across…

Appalachian Regional Truck Parking Study

The objective of this research report on truck parking in Appalachia, commissioned by the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) and completed by CPCS Transcom Inc., was to: 1) bring together the best available data and insights from existing state-level efforts and complete new research into an integrated regional assessment of truck…

Transportation Access in Appalachia – Maryland DOT Pilot Implementation Project

Author(s): Saumya Jain, Eric Lind, Andrew Owen, and Shirley Shiqin Liu  Author Organization(s): Accessibility Observatory, University of Minnesota   This research report, commissioned by the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) and led by the Maryland Department of Transportation’s State Highway Administration, explores transportation accessibility within the Appalachian Region. Building upon the foundational insights provided by…

Network Appalachia: Freight, Trade, and Economic Development

This research report, commissioned by the Appalachian Regional Commission’s Network Appalachia multimodal transportation advisory group, provides an assessment of the freight network in Appalachia and the global context that surrounds it. This report is an update of the 2010 Network Appalachia: Access to Global Opportunity report and maps freight network…
Photo of highway in Haywood County, Tennessee
Entire Region

Traffic Safety in Appalachia

This research report, commissioned by the Appalachian Regional Commission, seeks to define the traffic safety culture in Appalachia and discusses the causes of the common safety problems in the Region. Drivers in Appalachia must contend with environmental concerns, including expansive rural regions, mountainous and curved terrain, and dense forests exposed…
Entire Region

Public Transportation in Appalachia – Inventory and Assessment

This research report, commissioned by the Appalachian Regional Commission, documents the extent to which existing transit services are adequately creating or enhancing access for disadvantaged populations in Appalachia, particularly those in rural Appalachia. The report also documents current best transportation practices across the Region and explores how transportation intersects with…
Appalachian Development Highlight System Corridor 8, Near Norton, VA

Access in Appalachia

This study, commissioned by the Appalachian Regional Commission, analyzes how transportation options, and lack thereof, can impact economic development and access to services across the Region. The report understands transportation accessibility as the ability of people and businesses to access desired and needed activities, services, and goods within existing transportation…
Appalachian Development Highway System corridor
Entire Region

Trade, Freight and Economic Development in Appalachia

This 2012 research report, commissioned by the Appalachian Regional Commission presents information related to goods movement, trade, freight volumes and the economic impact of the Appalachian Development Highway System (ADHS), a 3,090-mile interstate highway system composed of 31 individual corridors.  The ADHS was designed to stimulate socioeconomic development throughout the…
Two-lane road running through mountains

Network Appalachia: Access to Global Opportunity

Report on the research and recommendations of the Network Appalachia Study Group on how to develop a twenty-first century transportation network in Appalachia that would maximize economic and employment benefits to the Region.