Broadband Applicants: Pre-Award Reporting Templates

In accordance with the ACCESS BROADBAND Act, all applications for ARC-funded broadband projects must complete and include the following templates in their proposal. ARC is required to submit this information to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) for their National Broadband Availability Map (NBAM). This government-wide interagency coordination effort aims to streamline funding to help more investments reach a wider variety of locations.  

ARC prefers applicants to submit both the Project Area File and the Project Locations List, but only one is necessary.  If submitting the Polygon Shapefile, you must include the information in the shapefile attribute table that is included in the Data Specifications Guide. If submitting the Project Locations List, you must include columns listed in the Data Specifications Guide.  

Required Templates for Submission

Note: To see what broadband projects have already received federal funding, please visit the Federal Communications Commission’s Broadband Funding Map.