Jennifer Ferrell

  • Title: Director of Community Advancement and Development Division
  • West Virginia

Jennifer Ferrell currently serves as the Director of the Community Advancement and Development (CAD) division in the West Virginia Development Office. The CAD division administers state and federal grant programs which are designed to improve the quality of life to the citizens in West Virginia. Through these grant programs, the division assists citizens with access to housing, help create and retain jobs, develop critical infrastructure, reduce poverty, help revitalize low-income communities, prevent homelessness, reduce energy costs to low-income families, and provide many other community and economic development initiatives. Jennifer serves as the State Alternate for the State of West Virginia.

Before joining the WVDO, Jennifer worked in the Governor’s Office. Serving under four Governors, she helped formulate, promote, and achieve initiatives for the administrations. As a member of the senior management team, she was responsible for all constituent related functions, including public relations, strategic planning, and crisis communication. Additionally, she worked to facilitate communications between citizens seeking assistance and various state agencies.

Jennifer presently resides in Charleston. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in business management from the West Virginia University Institute of Technology.

West Virginia Development Office
Building 3, Suite 700
State Capitol Complex
Charleston, WV 25305