Calendar Year

Coal Production and Employment in Appalachia, 2022

The coal industry—both in Appalachia and in the United States as a whole—has undergone a severe downturn over the last decade as demand for coal has fallen across the United States. The COVID-19 pandemic and associated recession weighed down on coal production even more. This report details major trends in…

Appalachian Regional Commission Strategic Plan: Synthesis Report

In the Spring of 2021, the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), in partnership with Maher & Maher, embarked on a series of stakeholder engagement activities. The purpose was to gather input regarding the strengths, challenges, and opportunities facing the Region, along with ideas for strategies and solutions to advance economic prosperity.

The Coal Industry and Funding Support for Education in Appalachia

These two reports examine the relationship between coal activity and funding for elementary and secondary education in Appalachia. The first report is a descriptive analysis examining patterns in funding throughout the Region, and the second used econometric analysis to examine how changes in coal activity have impacted this funding.

Economic Structure in Appalachia’s Metro Regions

This research identifies industries that might be further developed to strengthen industrial clusters—and support overall economic development—in each of the micro- and metropolitan areas wholly within the Appalachian Region. Overview Regional Overview and Methodology Supplements How to Use Findings from…

A Shift-Share Analysis of the Appalachian Region

This exploratory analysis examines industry-specific employment trends across Appalachia and identifies the industries that may have a locational advantage in each of Appalachia’s 420 counties. Findings may prove useful in devising regional economic development strategies.  Appalachian Region ARC Overview Appalachian States…

An Economic Analysis of Appalachian Power Industry Ecosystems

This report explores the implications of the changing power industry and the variations in impact across the Appalachian Region. Similar to past work examining the coal industry ecosystem, three measures are examined at the county level throughout Appalachia: dependence, impact, and risk.  Full Report An…

POWER Initiative Evaluation: The POWER of Change

Stories of Results for Individuals, Businesses, and Communities ARC has worked with Chamberlin/Dunn (C/D) as a third-party evaluator since Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 to understand the successes and challenges POWER grantees have experienced in the implementation of their grants, as well as early impacts of the projects. In FY21, the…

Strengthening the Appalachian Regional Commission’s Grant Performance Measurement: A Roadmap and Recommendations

This evaluation was designed to help ARC learn about grant performance measurement practices at comparison organizations, assess ARC’s current grant performance measurement system, and provide recommendations for updating the current system. Full Report Strengthening the Appalachian Regional Commission’s Grant Performance Measurement: A Roadmap and Recommendations –…

The Appalachian Region: A Data Overview from the 2015-2019 American Community Survey

This study examines state- and county-level data for the 13 Appalachian states from the 2015-2019 American Community Survey (ACS) and from U.S. Census Bureau population estimates on topics including population, age, race and ethnicity, housing occupancy and tenure, education, labor force, employment and unemployment, income and poverty, health insurance coverage,…
Entire Region

An Overview of Coal and the Economy in Appalachia

An Overview of Coal and the Economy in Appalachia, a report commissioned by the Appalachian Regional Commission, details major trends in coal employment and production in the Appalachian Region over the past two decades. The report examines where employment and production losses have been concentrated within the Region, and also…
Photo of highway in Haywood County, Tennessee
Entire Region

Traffic Safety in Appalachia

This research report, commissioned by the Appalachian Regional Commission, seeks to define the traffic safety culture in Appalachia and discusses the causes of the common safety problems in the Region. Drivers in Appalachia must contend with environmental concerns, including expansive rural regions, mountainous and curved terrain, and dense forests exposed…
Entire Region

Public Transportation in Appalachia – Inventory and Assessment

This research report, commissioned by the Appalachian Regional Commission, documents the extent to which existing transit services are adequately creating or enhancing access for disadvantaged populations in Appalachia, particularly those in rural Appalachia. The report also documents current best transportation practices across the Region and explores how transportation intersects with…
Entire Region

Extending Our Welcome: Trends and Strategies for Tourism in Appalachia

Extending our Welcome uses qualitative and quantitative research to assess the history of tourism in Appalachia and make recommendations for communities looking to employ it as an economic strategy. The report also provides 12 community and establishment profiles from eight Appalachian states as a source of best practices. Though…