Building the Advanced Manufacturing Industry in Appalachia

At the intersection of technology and goods we use every day is advanced manufacturing. As part of ARC’s 2024 POWER announcement, ARC awarded more than $5 million for three advanced manufacturing projects that will benefit coal-impacted communities and workers in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Kentucky and West Virginia. Together with their partners, grantees will create new opportunities for workers, manufacturers and their communities.

Expanding Markets in West Virginia

In West Virginia, grantee Advantage Valley is using $1.65 million in POWER funds to grow Expanding Markets, a business development partnership between Marshall University Advanced Manufacturing Center and five development organizations.

“Expanding Markets was developed to help stem the tide of downsizing and layoffs in our region,” said Advantage Valley President and CEO Terrell Ellis. “The program puts designated staff in our counties with the express purpose of helping not only to retain our existing businesses but provide them with programs and resources to diversify their operations and revenues.”

Terrell said that Expanding Markets has provided assistance to over 3,000 companies since 2021 and created or retained nearly 1,500 jobs. All of this is made possible through the partnerships between local development districts, existing manufacturing initiatives in the Charleston-Huntington area, and local organizations.

We believe that we need to build on the work of the organizations that are already functioning well and not duplicate efforts,” Terrell explained.

Creating a Competitive Workforce in Ohio

In Portsmouth, Ohio, POWER grantee Shawnee State University will use nearly $2 million to develop the advanced manufacturing workforce in the area through two tracks of programs, converting office space into lab and classroom space for adult learners and expanding educational outreach programs targeting K-12 students. 

“Our industry partners have identified advanced manufacturing areas of robotics and automation as a need in their workforce to make their companies competitive,” said Interim Dean of the College of Business and Engineering Adam Miller. “Through this project, we will be able to build on strong, nationally recognized programs in engineering technology and strong plastics engineering labs with the newly established center.”

One of several tools they use in their outreach is their mobile education lab, the Manufacturing on the Move trailer. Part of this grant award will support bringing this immersive learning experience to new communities.

Forging a Bright Future in Pennsylvania

In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Catalyst Connection is using a $2 million POWER grant to build a robust, competitive advanced manufacturing workforce through its Forging Your Future project.

“Manufacturing in southwestern Pennsylvania is a $12 billion industry that employs almost 90,000 workers with average annual wages over $90,000,” said Catalyst Connection President and CEO Petra Mitchell. “Manufacturing jobs offer workers from hard-hit Appalachian communities hope and opportunities for family-sustaining wages, career pathways and community development. Each manufacturing job leads to another 2.6 jobs in the community. When manufacturing companies and workers succeed, everyone in the local community can benefit.”

Through a three-pronged training strategy, Catalyst Connection and its partners will prepare Appalachians for advanced manufacturing careers with the skills that they and industries need. Mitchell said that Forge Your Future participants will learn skills in key emerging manufacturing sectors, such as:

  • Clean energy
  • Robotics
  • Automation and machine learning
  • National defense supply chain

Students in the first stage of their advanced manufacturing career journeys can complete a pre-apprenticeship program and be eligible to start manufacturing jobs right out of high school. The trainees from the pre-apprenticeship programs and other job seekers can move directly into full-time, paid, on-the-job training through registered apprenticeships. Lastly, in the final stage, participants can attend state-of-the-art learning labs to deepen their knowledge of specialized sectors.

ARC is proud to support POWER grantees as they train, up-skill and prepare students and workers to fill in-demand jobs in advanced manufacturing. Through their innovative projects, they’re bringing hope and opportunity to coal-impacted communities in the region.

Learn more about ARC’s $68.2 million POWER package announced on October 16, 2024, at the headquarters of POWER grantee Catalyst Connection in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, which supports 65 economic diversification and revitalization projects in coal-impacted communities across 10 Appalachian states.