The Appalachian Region had a population of 26.4 million in 2022, a 3.4% increase – or almost 873,000 more residents – than it had in mid-2010. Though two subregions have experienced growth, most of the region has lost population and its overall growth is slower than the national average of 7.7%.
The region’s population is generally aging at the same rate as the nation, with the median age rising to 41.3 years over the 2010-2022 period. However, certain portions of Appalachia are aging faster than others and the nation as a whole.
Learn more about Appalachia’s basic population and age trends through the charts below.

Population Change
Most of the region has lost population, with the Appalachian portion of five states – Mississippi, New York, Ohio, Virginia and West Virginia – experiencing losses of at least 3%. However, Southern Appalachia has added residents. In fact, Southern Appalachia’s growth surpassed the national average, reaching 11.8%. Certain counties in Appalachian Georgia grew exponentially, with gains averaging 18.3%.
Population Growth

Population Distribution
Population Change

Age Breakdown
Like the United States as a whole, Appalachia’s population became older between 2010 and 2022. The median age of the region’s population is 41.3 years. The share of Appalachia’s population under age 18 and the share of adults ages 25 to 64 are both more than a full percentage point lower in mid-2022 than they were in mid-2010.
People of Color
People of color make up a small but growing share of Appalachia’s population. The region’s population is 20.6% people of color while the national rate is 41.1%.