Revitalizing Kentucky’s Energy Communities

  • November 30, 2021 9:00 a.m. - November 30, 2021 12:00 p.m.

Attend a virtual workshop to meet with federal agencies and state officials to learn about available resources and discuss potential pathways for regional economic revitalization. This session is tailored specifically to Kentucky, which is home to two of the top ten priority energy communities identified as most vulnerable to further coal-related job declines by the Energy Communities Interagency Working Group’s Initial Report to the President (#2 East Kentucky non-metropolitan area and #6 West Kentucky non-metropolitan area).

This workshop is designed to help participants:

  • Advance needed economic development projects
  • Build sustainable relationships around the state
  • Connect energy workers and their communities with available federal resources


Following a lunch break, participants will have the opportunity to join moderated, smaller-group discussions on issues that elected officials and local stakeholders have identified as particularly relevant and resonate for Kentucky. Once you have registered for the morning session, please continue to monitor you email for further information on topics and how to register for these breakout sessions.