These guidelines provide Local Access Road (LAR) applicants with specific guidance about project guidelines, eligibility, approval processes, and submission requirements. These guidelines should be used in conjunction with general applicant resources for all ARC construction projects. Local Access Roads Project Guidelines…
All applicants requesting ARC funding for Access to Capital Grants (For Loans or Equity Capital) should use this checklist to develop a complete project application. Access to Capital Application Checklist – pdf 179 KB…
This form outlines conditions and general provisions that apply to ARC grants. Not all are applicable to non-construction projects, however this form is required for all grant applications. Memorandum of Understanding for ARC Projects – pdf 55 KB For Broadband as a…
This interim guidance describes the type of projects subject to the Buy America requirements and the process to request waivers. Buy America Guidelines – pdf 220 KB…
These guidelines provide Access to Capital (ATC) grantees with specific guidance about eligibility in applying; eligibility of borrowers; eligible and ineligible uses of grant funds; conflicts of interest; application requirements; post-award management and monitoring; audits; and consequences of non-compliance.
This template can be used to develop a budget narrative for both new ARC grant applications and requests for budget revisions once a project is under contract.
These forms are part of a grant application for a construction project. Note that a construction project requires another federal or state basic agency with which ARC has a memorandum of understanding to administer the ARC grant funds. Prior to filling out any of these forms, please speak with…
All applicants requesting ARC investment funding should use this checklist to develop a complete project application. Non-Construction-Project-Application-Checklist – pdf 173 KB…