Grantee Resources

After an application is approved for funding, grantees work with ARC staff to successfully manage and implement their project. Post-award requirements involve the timely submission of reports and other documents that review key project activities and facilitate financial exchange. The forms, manuals and other resources necessary for successful management of ARC-funded non-construction projects are below.

For the management of construction grants, ARC operates in partnership with federal and state agencies under a Memorandum of Understanding. As such, construction project grantees must adhere to post-award management and reporting requirements specific to the agency overseeing their grant’s administration. Please contact your basic agency for more information.     

Funding Source
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Appalachian Development Highway System / Federal-Aid Highway Fund(4)
Area Development(14)
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Access to Capital(8)
Local Access Road(4)
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Guidelines & Manuals(9)
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Access to Capital Advance Worksheet

This worksheet should be downloaded and used by Access to Capital grantees in their request for advanced payments – please refer to the instructions on the first tab and use the second tab to input your current data. This worksheet should accompany the SF-270 and be submitted as part of…

Access to Capital Interim Report Template

This resource should be downloaded and used by Access to Capital grantees to satisfy post-award interim reporting requirements.   Please enter all information that is requested on the first tab of the worksheet; the second tab offers instructions that can be referenced for additional guidance.  If any challenges should arise or…

Access to Capital SF270 Instructions

The SF270 should reflect the information that is included in the Advance Worksheet and will also need to be submitted as part of their interim and final report. Access to Capital grantees can use this example for reference as they complete the SF270. Form SF270…

ARC Project Guidelines

The guidelines set forth the criteria for approval of ARC projects reflecting the requirements of the Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965 (ARDA), as amended, the ARC Code, and the provisions of the ARC Strategic Plan.

Grant Compliance Guide

This guide serves as a compilation of the various laws, regulations, and other terms and conditions applicable to ARC grants. Grant recipients and subrecipients will especially find this useful as a primer for the management of federal grants. Applicants may also find this guide useful when applying for an ARC…

Grant Reporting Overview

This video overview gives guidance to grantees on how to navigate ARC’s reporting tools on ARCnet, ARC’s current Grants Management System. Reports are used to communicate project activity, progress, and budgetary needs and spending for ARC funded projects, and are required for grants to remain active, to stay in compliance…