Appalachian Regional Initiative for Stronger Economies (ARISE) is ARC’s multi-state initiative that aims to drive large-scale, regional economic transformation through collaborative projects across Appalachia. ARISE encourages initiatives that go beyond borders and help the 13 Appalachian states advance ARC’s strategic investment priorities as one, united region.

Applications Closed
The last day to submit a concept paper for the previous rounds of ARISE funding was June 30, 2024. ARC is actively working on the next phase of ARISE and plans to release an updated NOSA in the future. Stay tuned!
Information regarding previous ARISE application processes, including the NOSA, can be found below.

ARC has hosted several virtual workshops about Appalachian Regional Initiative for Stronger Economies (ARISE)! Learn more about the previous application process, tools for successful multistate collaboration, and more by tuning into these webinars.

Project Summary
Previously, the first step in the application process was to submit a project summary to the state program managers of all the states impacted by your proposed project. This step helped ensure your project aligns with each state’s economic development priorities.

Concept Paper
Previously, the second step in the process was the submission of a concept paper. Concept papers were to be no longer than 6-pages in length and had to adhere to the appropriate concept paper template. Upon review of the concept paper and at its sole discretion, ARC invited applicants that met the requirements of the program to submit a full application.
Application Resources
ARISE Frequently Asked Questions
Multistate Collaboration Toolkit
ARISE Application Checklist
Contact Us
Have a question about ARISE? Email us at