The Pennsylvania Organization for Women in Early Recovery (POWER) provides a continuum of gender-responsive treatment to help women in Southwestern Pennsylvania reclaim their lives from addiction.
With the help of a $500,000 INSPIRE grant, POWER will enrich the treatment and support services they provide, expand their service area to 14 counties, and enhance their offerings for individuals with substance use and co-occurring disorders. POWER will also hire new staff–including a family therapist, resource coordinator, and mentors–to offer interconnected services led by those who truly understand recovery work. As women undergo treatment, they’ll also have access to expanded supports for job training and employment near Allegheny County.
Addiction treats women differently. So do we.
“The progression of addiction looks different for men and women, and they’re impacted differently, both while struggling with a substance use disorder and in recovery,” said POWER CEO Rosa Davis. “The issues that women face are different than those faced by men. POWER’s treatment programs reflect women’s lives because tailoring their care to address the issues that matter most to them is known to increase their chances for success.”
POWER participants will receive employment counseling, skills assessments, resume development support, financial literacy education, and assistance with job searches and job matching as they prepare to reenter the workforce. These services and more will be provided through extensive community collaboration with organizations like PA Women Work, the Trade Institute of Pittsburgh, the Mon Valley Institute, and the Squirrel Hill Health Center. POWER anticipates offering these services to approximately 50 individuals in early recovery.