Local Development Districts

Local development districts (LDDs) — also known as area development districts (ADDs), council of governments (COGs) or regional planning and development commissions —  are multi-county planning organizations facilitating community-based, regionally driven economic development. There are 74 LDDs in the Appalachian Region.

Guided by community leaders, elected officials, business representatives and others, ARC relies on LDDs to lead and leverage local partnerships. The Development District Association of Appalachia (DDAA) provides ongoing technical assistance, peer learning and other support to the region’s LDDs.

This map displays the boundaries of Appalachian’s LDDs, some of which include counties outside of ARC’s service area. Click on each district to see website and contact information, or use this web mapping application for more options. For more information on ARC’s 74 LDDs, click here.