Category Archive: Uncategorized

ARC Launches “Envision Appalachia: Community Conversations for ARC’s New Strategic Plan”

On February 26, ARC announced Envision Appalachia: Community Conversations for ARC’s Strategic Plan, a series of public input sessions to identify critical opportunities and challenges facing Appalachia’s economic future. Using insights gathered from these public sessions, coupled with guidance from regional, state, and local partners, ARC will develop a strategic plan for fiscal years 2021-2025. Read More

ARC Accepting Applications for Summer Study Programs in Entrepreneurship and STEM for Region’s Middle and High School Students

ARC is accepting applications for the Appalachian Entrepreneurship Academy (AEA) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and for the ARC/ORNL Summer STEM Program in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Each program is a free immersive learning experience specifically for the Region’s high school and/or middle school students, and includes room and board, transportation, activity fees, and student stipends. Read More

150 Appalachian College Students Convene in Washington, D.C. to Present Ideas for Appalachia’s Future

ARC will host 150 students from 15 Appalachian based colleges and universities at the 19th annual Appalachian Teaching Project Conference in Washington, D.C. Supported by ARC and organized by the Center for Appalachian Studies and Services at East Tennessee State University (ETSU), ATP is an applied-research training program for college and graduate students to design community based economic development initiatives across the Appalachian Region. Read More

New Report Summarizes Findings from Six ARC Recovery-to-Work Listening Sessions

ARC has released a new synopsis report of the Recovery-to-Work listening sessions hosted by the Commission in six states (AL, KY, NC, OH, VA, WV) from December 2018-April 2019. The report summarizes the outcome of those community-based discussions and identifies five common themes that ARC should consider when addressing the economic issues stemming from substance abuse. ARC’s Substance Abuse Advisory Council—a 24-member volunteer advisory group with members representing each of the 13 Appalachian states—will use this information when preparing their final recommendations for the Commission to review in September. Read More