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December 1, 2017

Appalachian Regional Commission Hosts Appalachian Teaching Project Conference in Washington, D.C., Featuring Student Research on Regional Community Development Issues

Student research projects to be presented at the 2017 ATP conference focus on developing Appalachia’s natural and cultural assets, supporting public education initiatives, expanding downtown development and community leadership efforts, enhancing health and the quality of life in Appalachia, and cultivating the economic potential of the Region’s waterways.
July 20, 2017

Legislative Update: Senate, House Appropriations Committees Approve FY 2018 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bills Containing ARC Funding

The Senate appropriations bill provides $142 million for ARC’s nonhighway programs, while the House bill contains $130 million for ARC. Both bills include $70 million for ARC’s regular program and $50 million for the POWER Initiative to help Appalachian communities adversely impacted by changes in the coal industry and power…
March 28, 2017

Appalachian Regional Commission Announces $2.4 Million in Additional Investments to Strengthen Appalachia’s Economy

On March 28, ARC announced $2.4 million in additional investments to continue diversifying the economy in Appalachia’s coal-impacted communities. These investments will create and retain hundreds of jobs in advanced manufacturing and agriculture, build a workforce pipeline through the Region’s community colleges, and identify additional economic opportunities for economic growth…