
Private-Sector Employment in Appalachia

These state-level reports offer a glimpse at private-sector employment throughout the Appalachian Region. Each report, focusing on the Appalachian portions of the states, includes employment data for 91 industries, allowing readers to see which industries account for the largest percentages of total employment. The reports also include variables measuring recent…

Economic Structure in Appalachia’s Metro Regions

This research identifies industries that might be further developed to strengthen industrial clusters—and support overall economic development—in each of the micro- and metropolitan areas wholly within the Appalachian Region. Overview Regional Overview and Methodology Supplements How to Use Findings from…

A Shift-Share Analysis of the Appalachian Region

This exploratory analysis examines industry-specific employment trends across Appalachia and identifies the industries that may have a locational advantage in each of Appalachia’s 420 counties. Findings may prove useful in devising regional economic development strategies.  Appalachian Region ARC Overview Appalachian States…
Entire Region

Extending Our Welcome: Trends and Strategies for Tourism in Appalachia

Extending our Welcome uses qualitative and quantitative research to assess the history of tourism in Appalachia and make recommendations for communities looking to employ it as an economic strategy. The report also provides 12 community and establishment profiles from eight Appalachian states as a source of best practices. Though…