This study assesses the travel performance, trade, and economic development impacts directly related to completing the Appalachian Development Highway System (ADHS).
The Sources of Growth project is part of a series of research efforts funded by the Appalachian Regional Commission to improve understanding of factors affecting economic growth in rural and distressed areas.
The purpose of the current analysis is to provide some insight into the potential benefits of intermodal investment in the ARC Region, rather than serve as a major investment study.
This report builds on the companion regional study of commodity movements within and between the Appalachian Region and the rest of the world by transportation mode to identify exemplary case studies of intermodal initiatives and opportunities.
This report identifies strategic development opportunities to leverage higher utilization of the transportation capabilities of the ADHS, rail, water, and air transportation systems in the Appalachian Region through regional intermodal transportation.
This study evaluates both the transportation efficiency benefits and economic development impacts of the completed portions of the Appalachian Development Highway System (ADHS).