Our new report, Access to Capital and Credit for Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses in Appalachia: surveys the economic landscape of small businesses and entrepreneurs in Appalachia, outlines the available capital supply, and calculates the demand for such capital. The report also considers the significant and lasting effects…
This report presents findings from an evaluation of ARC’s business development projects that closed between 2017 and 2021, representing 220 grants and nearly $75 million of ARC investment. The evaluation found that ARC’s business development grants closed during that timeframe led to improvements for nearly 11,000 businesses and facilitated…
The Agriculture and Local Food Economies in the Appalachian Region report examines agricultural activity and local food systems throughout the Appalachian Region. Based largely on data from the Census of Agriculture, it provides a quantitative overview of activity taking place within Appalachia—how it compares to the United States as…
This research examines the impact of industry-specific entrepreneurship on overall employment growth in Appalachia. Full Report Self-Employment, Industrial Diversity, and Growth in Appalachia…
This research effort examines entrepreneurship in Appalachia through both quantitative and qualitative analysis. It includes a detailed overview of the components that tend to support vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystems.
This report examines trends in the 2007 and 2012 Censuses of Agriculture and related socioeconomic databases in order to assess, benchmark, and document food and farm activity and the local food economy in the Appalachian Region.
This report summarizes entrepreneurial opportunities in the energy, health, manufacturing and local food sectors, and examines innovative projects that demonstrate multiple benefits to Appalachian communities.
This study examines recent trends in the availability of capital and credit for small businesses in the Appalachian Region, compares financial conditions in 2010 with those in 2007, and assesses the impact of strategies to address capital gaps.
This report examines the burgeoning local food movement in the Appalachian Region, describes best practices, and analyzes gaps and opportunities for expanding this sector of the economy.
This report, prepared by Regional Technology Strategies and issued in FY 2010, evaluated the outcomes of 132 Tourism, Cultural Heritage, and Natural Asset-Related projects through surveys, interviews, and statistical analysis.
This report presents results from a study of the status of the solar- and wind-energy industries in the Appalachian Region and the challenges firms and state governments face in preparing for and competing in these rapidly emerging industries.
An evaluation of ARC's Entrepreneurial Initiative in terms both of outcomes achieved by a sample of funded projects and of broader policy impacts across the region.
This report examines the improvement of Appalachia’s economic fortunes relative to those in rest of the country since 1960—particularly among men and women of prime working age (ages 25 to 64).