ARC’s economists, mapping specialists, evaluators and data analysts regularly publish research reports and maps, as well as maintain an updated county-specific searchable data report tool. Research reports address critical socioeconomic issues impacting the Appalachian Region, while evaluations assess ARC’s own investment portfolios. ARC’s research and data helps policymakers and our regional partners better understand Appalachia’s challenges and make informed, effective decisions to address them. These publications also provide valid data for external researchers who are studying Appalachia.
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Research Reports(147)
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Asset-Based Development(4)
Broadband and Telecom(3)
Business and Entrepreneurship(28)
Distressed Counties(7)
INSPIRE Initiative(0)
Natural Assets(9)
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Public Health(19)
Socioeconomic Analysis(49)
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Economic Status(0)
ARC's Fiscal Year runs September 30 - October 1, and is named for the calendar year in which it closes. County Economic Status maps, investment data, and budget and performance documents are categorized by Fiscal Year.
Other ARC content, including research reports, evaluations and news updates, fall into the January 1- December 31 calendar year.
This research report provides a comprehensive assessment of industry clusters and international trade in Appalachia. This report is an update of the 2004 report, Analysis of Global Competitiveness of Selected Industries and Clusters in the Appalachian Region and provides a current analysis of key export-oriented industries and industry clusters…
This report, commissioned by the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) and led by the North Carolina Department of Transportation, explores transportation accessibility within North Carolina. Building upon the foundational insights provided by ARC’s Access in Appalachia report of 2020, this report provided an opportunity to measure differences in accessibility across…
This report analyzes coal production and employment data from 2000 to 2023, with a focus on how trends in Appalachia compare to those elsewhere in the country. Variation within the region is also examined. For Appalachia as a whole, despite some slight increases over the past few years, coal production…
The objective of this research report on truck parking in Appalachia, commissioned by the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) and completed by CPCS Transcom Inc., was to: 1) bring together the best available data and insights from existing state-level efforts and complete new research into an integrated regional assessment of truck…
This study analyzes the impact of diseases of despair on mortality within the Appalachian Region, focusing on mortality from three main causes: alcohol, prescription drug, and illegal drug overdose; suicide; and alcoholic liver disease/cirrhosis of the liver. It includes data through 2022 and serves as an update to previous ARC…
Author(s): Saumya Jain, Eric Lind, Andrew Owen, and Shirley Shiqin Liu Author Organization(s): Accessibility Observatory, University of Minnesota This research report, commissioned by the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) and led by the Maryland Department of Transportation’s State Highway Administration, explores transportation accessibility within the Appalachian Region. Building upon the foundational insights provided by…
This study examines state- and county-level data for the 13 Appalachian states from the 2018-2022 American Community Survey (ACS) and from U.S. Census Bureau population estimates on topics including population, age, race and ethnicity, housing occupancy and tenure, education, labor force, employment and unemployment, income and poverty, health insurance coverage,…
Our new report, Access to Capital and Credit for Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses in Appalachia: surveys the economic landscape of small businesses and entrepreneurs in Appalachia, outlines the available capital supply, and calculates the demand for such capital. The report also considers the significant and lasting effects…
This report provides a comprehensive assessment of food insecurity dynamics in Appalachia—primarily through analysis of datasets from Feeding America, the American Community Survey (ACS), and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). It highlights the realities, risks, and opportunities related to food insecurity in the region. The report also offers case…
The coal industry—both in Appalachia and in the United States as a whole—has undergone a severe downturn over the last decade as demand for coal has fallen across the United States. The COVID-19 pandemic and associated recession weighed down on coal production even more. With data through 2022, this report…
This study analyzes the impact of diseases of despair on mortality within the Appalachian Region, focusing on mortality from three main causes: alcohol, prescription drug, and illegal drug overdose; suicide; and alcoholic liver disease/cirrhosis of the liver. It includes data through 2021 and serves as an update to previous ARC…
These state-level reports offer a glimpse at private-sector employment throughout the Appalachian Region. Each report, focusing on the Appalachian portions of the states, includes employment data for 91 industries, allowing readers to see which industries account for the largest percentages of total employment. The reports also include variables measuring recent…
This research report, commissioned by the Appalachian Regional Commission’s Network Appalachia multimodal transportation advisory group, provides an assessment of the freight network in Appalachia and the global context that surrounds it. This report is an update of the 2010 Network Appalachia: Access to Global Opportunity report and maps freight network…
This study examines state- and county-level data for the 13 Appalachian states from the 2017-2021 American Community Survey (ACS) and from U.S. Census Bureau population estimates on topics including population, age, race and ethnicity, housing occupancy and tenure, education, labor force, employment and unemployment, income and poverty, health insurance coverage,…
This study analyzed the impact of diseases of despair on mortality within the Appalachian Region, focusing on mortality from three main causes: alcohol, prescription drug, and illegal drug overdose; suicide; and alcoholic liver disease/cirrhosis of the liver. It served as an update to ARC reports from 2017 and 2020…